August 9, 2008

How do you get rid of belly fat fast in a week? - Best Answer by Pinky Leong on Yahoo! Answers


Question posted by unforgetable (:

How do u gt rid of belly fat fast in a week im willign todo anythign just please help!!! 15-f?

1 week ago

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

by Pinky Leong

Food to CUT OUT:
1. Deep fried stuff eg KFC, french fries, McD, etc.
2. Anything from a can or a packet eg soft drinks, cereals.
3. Anything made from flour eg bread, pasta, cake, cookies.

Eat balanced meals of 50% raw salad, 20% carbs and 30% protein.

1. salads with dressing of olive oil/lemon juice
2. lean meat eg chicken, fishgrilled/baked
3. boiled/baked potato, broccoli, cauliflower, pumpkin.

Excercise with power walking or sprinting if you are fit for 20 minutes twice a day.

Sleep from 11.00 to 7.30am with a cat nap of 15 minutes during the day.When you wake up, drink 4 glasses of water straight away. That will detox your body.

Follow with the juice of 1 lemon in a glass of warm water. Fill up 2 one liter bottles and drink your water hourly. After every meal, make sure you have 1 apple n 1 pear.

Drink 3 cups of Green Tea daily.

Your breakfast:
1 lowfat sugar free yoghurt.
1 egg softboiled.
A small bowl of oats flavoured with fresh berries OR some cold chicken instead of egg.

Snacks between meals should be fruits or crunchy raw vege.

Posture is very important, pull in your tummy and butt. Look in the mirror sideways. Immediately you will straighten up and your posture improves.

You must continue holding in your tummy whenever you can remember, sitting down or standing up. This is called the vacuum, a powerful excercise to hold in your slack muscles to produce a flat belly. Wear your tightest pair of jeans to keep the flat belly in. The principle is similar to a corset.But beware it is not so tight as to cut off your circulation!

Then you have to enlist the help of your family, especially your mum, because she will be the one cooking the food for you! Show her your plan of action, and with the whole family behind you, your belly fat, and theirs will soon be gone!!

1 week ago

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